Monday 14 January 2013

Well, it snowed!

We did indeed have a snowfall overnight so this morning we awoke to what I would call a dusting. Certainly not enough to close the schools or prevent us from getting to work! Ho's off to work I go!

Keith and I got stuck into scrubbing the floor as soon as we got to work so by lunchtime it was all clean. As the morning wore on, the snow began again and carried on until about 2pm, but, again, it hasn't really caused any problems. Looking out at our car park during the morning I did think the roads would be snowy but they were all cleared, just like they should be! Just to be on the safe side, I did go in with Keith so we finished at 3pm after I applied two coats of polish to the floor and put most of the chairs and tables back. I was more than ready to go home, I can tell you!

We picked up Sophie from school and went straight home to prepare the vegetables for our dinner tonight. We decided to have a nice meal tonight as a Birthday celebration meal will be difficult tomorrow as Mikey has Army Cadets and we have to go back out and pick him up at 9.30pm so enjoying a bottle would not be a good idea!

Our little work robin

Snowy car park

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