Monday 7 January 2013

Dismantling Christmas

I spent most of today at work taking down all the Christmas decorations and cleaning under the slides, which, since we put them all up on the 3rd December, had become very dusty indeed! Keith and Ian managed to do a few more things on the list I'd given them, so all in all, a very productive day!

Sophie and I went to the gym after work and got back into our routine, although Sophie wimped out on the cross-trainer. I think easily does it the first day back after three weeks of not being on the equipment. At one point, two of the staff went rushing off to the Mens'changing rooms with a First Aid kit and a defibrulator but it looked like it was a false alarm as they came straight back out again! It wouldn't have surprised me, though, as a lot of people have been away over Christmas, plus there's bound to be new people who have joined in a bid to get fit!

I have a feeling I may ache tomorrow!

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