Friday 25 January 2013

Phew! It's Friday!

Am I glad it's the end of the week!

But we couldn't end on a quiet note, though, could we? It was very busy at work today and I'm hoping that word has spread about the new equipment we have. A few people did indeed mention the photos I've been posting on Facebook so it must be working!

I collected Sophie from school and she was very upset as all the A4 photos we'd printed for her exam had been ruined, as she'd stuck labels onto the actual prints. It meant that over the weekend we'd have to print them all over again and hope that her teacher could move the deadline to Monday morning. A lot of the other students hadn't managed to finish either, but she was very upset about the whole thing, as was I...I really don't fancy having to print them all off again.

We went home and Sophie changed to go and visit a friend's house in the village. It was the same group of friends that congregated at our house on New Year's Eve so I told her to behave herself! After I got back from dropping her off I hurriedly tidied the house, had a quick bath, took Keith to the pub (only yards from where Sophie was!) and then went home to put out some nibbles as Sue was coming over for a drink.

We had a pleasant hour over a glass of wine and then it was time to get Keith, have dinner and then stay awake until 11.30pm which was when we agreed to pick her up. As the evening wore on, it started snowing, then raining, and then snowing again. When the time came to pick Sophie up, big fat flakes were falling out of the sky and I got soaked leaving the car to knock on the door!

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