Sunday 27 January 2013

Sun and rain

We had very strange weather this morning. It was bucketing down with rain, yet the sun was shining... Once that had cleared we've had a beautiful day with higher temperatures and even a hint of Spring...mustn't get carried away!

Sophie and I got back into our gym routine today with (almost) a full workout, a 20 minute swim and a dip in the jacuzzi, followed by a delicious lunch. We'd been arguing about how to pronounce "Gouda" cheese so on the way home we called into Tesco (I needed more colour ink) and we asked a lady on the cheese counter. She wasn't really sure either, but said it the way that Sophie thought it was pronounced. I bought a slice and very good it was too!

I also bought myself another swimsuit as mine keeps misbehaving - the pads in the bust contort into strange shapes which make me look very strange as well!.

Once home I washed my car which wasn't as dirty as I thought it was (all the rain must have dislodged some of the salt and the mud) and would you believe, that the minute, the very minute I finished, the heavens opened again! Huh!

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