Sunday 8 September 2024

We're on television!

I was up before anyone else this morning and started watching the television footage from the Tour of Britain yesterday, aiming to get to our little patch and see if we had been filmed! Seeing the riders set off from a dismal Northampton as the crowds cheered them on was great. Once out into the countryside, the lead car pulled away and the race was on!

I could fast forward until about 1.45pm of the race, and by that time Keith and Sophie had joined me and we were watching avidly as the cyclists flashed past Harrington and turned left towards Scaldwell. The footage kept switching from the Peloton to the leading three riders, and we would have been so disappointed if they'd just concentrated on the mass of cyclists, but they didn't! They followed the three riders down the hill and then we saw ourselves on TV, waving and clapping! It was brilliant! Last year's Tour of Britain is still available to watch so we can go back and see it again whenever we want!

Sophie and I spent the morning putting some unwanted clothes on eBay and pootling about. I re-painted the two living room doors, which Keith had taken down to make it easier for us to paint them. We'd put them on the table in the conservatory, which was a huge mess! There were paint pots and paint brushes lined up on the windowsill and the clothes we were selling hanging from the cross beams. In less than two weeks we have friends over for dinner, so it needs a major overhaul!

In the early afternoon, Sophie and I drove to Northampton and put Olive through the carwash. While we waited we munched on some lunch we'd bought in the M&S outlet. Today has been a much better day than yesterday, with sunshine and blue skies. Why couldn't it have been like this yesterday!

Back home, we titivated Olive (the carwash hadn't done a very good job), and Sophie plugged her in to charge. I had a long nap upstairs (I only wanted to snooze for half an hour and I was out for double that) and Sophie prepared the dinner. We used the leftover sauce from the sausage casserole and added chicken breasts to make a new meal! With vegetables and roast potatoes, it was a lovely meal!

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