Monday 2 September 2024

Frantic Monday!

This morning we awoke to murky, horrible weather - Autumn is well and truly upon us already! Keith took me to work in heavy traffic, as he had to go and do some shopping by himself, and he does seem a little better lately. He says that the exercises are doing him good, so that's a relief.

If I thought today was going to be quieter because the children have returned to school, I was sadly mistaken. It seems a lot of children were still off (a training day) and we were busy with swimming queries; the phones never stopped all day!

I came in to about 70 emails and they kept me busy for my whole shift. As soon as I cleared them, another load would appear! It was a relief to be picked up at 4pm and head home!

Keith told me that Paul from Highfields had popped over today to look at the glass panels we need replacing in the conservatory, and to chat about a new door with an integrated cat flap. We need a cat flap before we go away at the end of the month, and we can't face another winter of having the door open all the time. We never did this with Monty and Archie! We just used to rely on them crying at the door to come in!

Paul said that Brucie no longer worked for Highfields, which was a blow as he was a great asset to the company and seemed to keep Paul in order! From what Keith said, I did wonder if the company was operating on the same level as it was before? We'll just have to wait for the quote!

Dinner tonight was a success, even though Keith had added the wrong sauce to the chicken... we were supposed to have been having chicken in a red wine sauce but he added a white garlic and cream sauce intended for pasta instead! It turned out well, though, and we served the creamy chicken casserole with mashed potatoes and vegetables. A perfect meal for an Autumn evening!

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