Thursday 19 September 2024

Crime scene!

I had a busy shift at work and concentrated on trying to complete the moan report to cross it off my list of things to do. I always feel a sense of relief when it's finished!

Keith collected me at 2pm and I decided to clean the conservatory as soon as we arrived home. There was a dead shrew in the middle of the floor, which was a lovely gift for us, and multiple dead flies! I put several of the cushion covers in the washing machine to freshen them up and sponged the sofa to get rid of any traces of the cats.

When I pulled the sofa away from the wall to clean behind it, I discovered a crime scene of dead things and dried-up bodily fluids. It was horrible! What on earth do the cats get up to? I ran some very hot water into a bucket, hoovered and then mopped the floor. I also cleaned the window sills (again) and by the time I'd finished, it was looking so much better and cleaner!

Once finished, I hoovered the living room and mopped the kitchen floor. I felt like I'd made good use of my Thursday afternoon off! There's nothing like having people around for dinner to focus the mind on giving the house a good clean. Well, for me anyway!

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