Saturday 21 September 2024

A huge clap!

Annoyingly, I was awake at 6.30am this morning so I decided to get up, have a coffee and make a start on the day! It meant I'd put a colour on my hair before 9am, which I was pleased about as it's one chore I hate! Sophie prepared tonight's dessert of Tiramisu while Keith bashed, then cut steak for the stroganoff.

We're looking forward to having Liam and Sarah around for a meal and a good catch-up! It's been a couple of years since we've seen them so there'll be plenty to chat about. I miss having them as neighbours!

At 10.30am, I drove Sophie into Northampton as she had an appointment at the beauty salon. The roads were busy with weekend traffic and it was great to be able to sit in the car and relax for twenty minutes! On the way home, we called into Waitrose and I topped up our white wine stock and bought some Elderflower Pressé for Sarah. Outside, it was lovely and sunny but we had a weather warning out for thunderstorms today, and heavy rain.

Back home, Sophie and I cleaned, set the table and made the house look beautiful. I also did a couple of loads of washing, but with the second one, I decided not to hang the laundry on the line... about half an hour after I'd put the clothes into the tumble dryer, the heavens opened! We then saw flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder close together. Sophie tried in vain to get the cats in, and she saw Mooney streak across the garden and dive under a bush. No amount of calling would get him to come out, and the storm then became a lot worse...

We were in the kitchen, saw a bright flash of lightning and then perhaps the loudest clap of thunder I'd ever heard! It brought me out in goosebumps! Sophie screamed and we realised it must have been right over us. It knocked out the electricity and our internet and Sky connections!

The storm rumbled on for most of the afternoon and we had torrential rain which turned the road outside the house into a river! When it abated slightly, Mooney came running into the house, soaking wet! Sophie gathered him up into a towel to dry him off and we gave him a cat yoghurt!

There was no sign of Gomez and we have no idea where he goes during the day. We can call and call him and he rarely appears before nightfall. As a treat, and because we'd finished all of our preparations, Sophie made us both an Americano - Campari, sweet vermouth and soda. Delicious!

My daughter also very kindly painted my toenails and fingernails, and we were able to relax for a while before the evening. I had another shower and washed my hair again, and by 6pm we were downstairs cooking the meal. I lit loads of candles and the house looked lovely and cosy. 

Sarah and Liam arrived at 7pm and it was great to see them again. We chatted and had a drink and then I gave Liam the gift I'd bought for his birthday back in July - a bottle of Canadian whisky called Bearface, as they had been in Canada earlier in the year and had seen lots of bears!

We stood in the kitchen, nibbling on crisps and dips while Sophie put the finishing touches to the meal. It was a great evening and there was a lot of laughter around the table! Sophie's individual Tiramisu went down well, and we managed to get through several bottles of red wine and an equal amount of beer! It was gone midnight by the time they left! The time flew!

We sat and relaxed for half an hour and watched more flashes of lightning through the window. Keith said it was harvest lightning which normally follows a spell of hot weather. We heard rumbles of thunder, but by now, both cats were safe in the house!

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