Tuesday 17 September 2024

I give a pint.

I had another hectic day at work and helped out with calls when I could as Sheila managed to get my phone working again. As is usual for a Tuesday, the office was noisy and it was a relief to get out at 4pm and head to Moulton where I had an appointment to give blood.

Sophie also left at 4pm and said there'd been a serious accident on the A45 so she was forced to go another way home. Keith had driven me today, as he'd been shopping, so he had to sit and wait for me to give blood. I hadn't realised it had been three years since I'd last donated so I was subjected to a Spanish Inquisition when I sat down with one of the staff for my initial discussion. She was quite a scary woman and asked me to give her details of all the operations and procedures I'd had since I was a child... what? Why? The questions are becoming ever more intrusive and one of them in the booklet you're handed when you arrive was unbelievable! I won't repeat it here but if you had indulged in this with a partner, you weren't able to give blood for three months! My eyes nearly popped out of my head!

I managed to remember the very few operations I'd had, including my tonsils out when I was about eight, but why that was so important, I didn't dare ask. I then had to see a burly nurse because of this, and then I was actually free to give blood. Hooray! Every now and again, the blood service cries out for donations, but it's no wonder that they're short if they're so particular about who can give!

This evening was my 45th pint, but I know I've donated more than that as I started when I was 17, but stopped after I went to Nepal when I was 19. The nurse was skilful at inserting the needle in my arm so all went smoothly, thank goodness!

After a glass of water and a Club biscuit, I re-joined Keith and we sped home. Sophie was already there but it had taken her an hour to get home as the A45 was closed and she'd travelled home via Cogenhoe, Earls Barton and Sywell. 

We sat and chatted and ate a delicious beef curry that Keith had prepared earlier. He watched football after dinner while Sophie and I went upstairs and relaxed with just the one cat!

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