Sunday 1 September 2024

A traditional Sunday!

Today has been a traditional Sunday, and it's been lovely! We decided to eat at lunchtime to avoid the dreaded "Sunday evening syndrome, " which was a good decision and meant we could relax in the afternoon.

Keith prepared the vegetables, and we popped our joint of beef into the oven to cook at 11am. He had an appointment at the GP surgery at 11.3am for a winter respiratory illness vaccination, and I drove him there in case he felt woozy afterwards! We also managed to squeeze in a quick trip to the tip as Sophie had spent the morning clearing out her wardrobe and had two bags of unwanted clothes. Some of them she's planning to sell on eBay

Keith and I both cooked lunch, and it was ready at about 1pm, perfect timing so Keith and Sophie could watch Newcastle play Spurs at 1.30pm. The meal was delicious, and as it had been a while since we cooked a roast, it made a change to have such a traditional lunch. I opened a bottle of Gigondas about half an hour before we were due to eat, one of the bottles we bought in Vacqueyras last year. I didn't think it was that good, but Sophie and Keith enjoyed it, and as the wine opened up a bit, it improved.

So, we had an indulgent, lazy afternoon watching football. Outside, it was sunny and dry, and I tried not to think of the garden that needed some attention! Or the painting that I still haven't done, for that matter! 

Sophie was concerned about Mooney as we hadn't seen him all day, which was unusual, but I managed to entice him in with the call of "Grubs!" It never fails!

Towards the evening, I decided to hunt for some photographs that were missing, and to my delight, I found an album from the holiday with my parents in Paros. There was one particular photo I wanted to find - one of the nuns whitewashing the church at the top of a mountain, and I found it!

I also loved these:

Don't we all look happy and healthy!

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