Friday 13 September 2024

A hectic Friday!

Sara and Sheila suggested to me today to move desks so I will be at the other end of the office, next to the window and away from the radiator. In the winter we have the battle of the radiator where I turn it down and someone else (normally Jo) turns it up. It also means I would be away from Jo (who has a loud voice) and this would make it easier for me to concentrate on writing emails, some of which can be quite sensitive and require delicate handling. I said I would think about it as I'm used to sitting at the far end of the office, usually in the dark!

Today's shift passed at a hectic pace - I put another load of films onto the system, taking us up until the second week in October, and I answered all the emails, dealing with a few that had been difficult to answer.

Back at home, I relaxed and Keith got ready to go to the pub for the first time in a couple of weeks. Sophie and I opened a bottle of Chenin Blanc that my daughter wasn't keen on. She said it tasted like vanilla, and I agreed, so she went back to an opened bottle of Pinot Grigio instead!

We watched the highlights of The Proms this evening, but we didn't have a repeat of last Friday night! We were in bed at a sensible hour with no hangovers looming!

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