Friday 6 September 2024

A night of music!

We awoke to another gloomy day, but it was forecast to be sunnier later, and humid. I took myself off to work and had a busy shift, answering all the emails and catching up with admin. I had some difficult emails to write today, going back to people with queries about their memberships. I know I've said this before but why do people take out a gym membership for twelve months, then decide they can't afford it? We are very reasonably priced, and we offer fantastic value for money, but some people still get into a mess and then expect us to mop it up for them!

At 4pm, I sped home and sat with Keith in the kitchen. He had managed to slice his leg open by dropping a drill on it while he was fixing the new door handles into place... I dressed it again for him and told him to keep an eye on it. The door handles look great, but I'd rather he had waited for the weekend to do the job!

Sophie and I decided to watch a new drama series on Netflix called The Perfect Couple, and we settled down with a new Pinot Grigio and some nibbles to watch it. Ten minutes in, we turned it off as we were both overwhelmed with all the characters and what was going on! We put on Come Dine With Me instead!

Sophie didn't fancy tonight's dinner so she had cheese on toast, I had scrambled eggs on toast and Keith had a sandwich. After we'd eaten I happened to turn on BBC 4 and we were delighted to find The Proms on, with music from Henry Mancini and Bert Baccarach. What a treat! The very first piece of music was the theme tune to the wonderful film, Charade, starring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. Sophie jumped up and asked if I wanted a Martini as the music reminded us of sitting in a lovely bar overlooking the sea in a Mediterranean resort!

She made us both a vodka Martini and we had a fantastic evening watching The Proms (I was fascinated by the orchestra) and listening to truly beautiful music. It was hosted by Mel Giedroyc who was funny and came on initially with a Martini! How weird was that!

We indulged in another Martini (hmmm!) and stayed up until midnight watching two more programmes featuring themes from the movies. At one point Sophie was dancing around the living room with the cats, who were NOT amused!

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