Friday 20 September 2024

Phew! It's Friday!

Weird things are happening at the moment in our office and making our jobs a little bit harder! We thought the phones were going to go down at one point and then, for a brief moment, the computers froze! I managed to finish the moan report and I put another week of films onto the system. I also put on the first week of the Christmas playscheme places (they'll be here before we know it!) and cleared all the emails, so I was happy I'd managed to get such a lot achieved despite the tech niggles!

I drove home in the sunshine, and there was no trace of any storm clouds above. We had a weather warning for thunderstorms today, and I was looking forward to a good bout of thunder and lightning, but as usual, we had nothing.

I did some admin chores on our computer and then started watching All Creatures Great and Small on the television, but I kept nodding off! It's been a busy week! Sophie arrived home and we picked out our wine for the evening - a New Zealand Pinot Gris. This time next week, we'll be getting very excited!

Keith went to the pub and I popped potatoes into the oven to bake for dinner. Sophie and I watched the last episode of Race Across The World and I think we both felt a bit emotional at the end! I sometimes listen to Scott Mills on the way home from work on Thursday (I still miss Steve Wright, though) and he kept the news very quiet!

After our very simple supper, Sophie and I watched an old episode of Fake or Fortune, followed by Gardener's World, which sent Sophie to sleep! We both have a busy day tomorrow, so it was an early night! No dancing around the living room at midnight with the cats this evening!

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