Monday 16 September 2024

Get a life!

Sophie had another headache this morning, so missed the gym, and this is starting to worry me now, as these migraines are now affecting the way she lives her life. She has spoken about acupuncture and said she would call a clinic today when she's at work. They're hormonal and she gets them at the same time every month, but it's still worrying.

My day was busy answering all the emails and making a start on the moan report. It has now dawned on me that I have two weeks to get as much done as I can before I'm away for a week, so every minute is precious! I also realised that the next two weeks are busy every day with things I need to do for the holiday, so I will appreciate our break hugely when it arrives! I may go AWOL in Provence!

Sophie arrived home and said she'd had a dramatic afternoon at work as there had been a man standing outside her office building filming them. The building has other companies occupying the offices, so she went and spoke to the other people to let them know. One man went out and confronted him and it transpired that he was some kind of idiot who goes around filming offices for no clear reason. One of Sophie's colleagues spotted someone similar on YouTube called DJ Audit. I still have no idea why people do this and can only imagine it's because they thrive on confrontation and staff getting annoyed that they're being filmed without their permission. Get a life! 

Keith cooked the chicken and mushroom pie we should have had last night and then it was time for some brainpower with Only Connect and University Challenge!

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