Tuesday 3 September 2024

Another busy day!

Sophie didn't go to the gym this morning because she'd been up in the night with itchy eyes. We think that she's allergic to a certain kind of pollen at this time of the year as the same thing happened last September. She applied a cream which soothed her eyes, but she was in a lot of discomfort, poor thing. We sat and sipped coffee and watched The Hotel Inspector lose her temper with a couple who were running a strange Thai Guesthouse and spa!

The weather has been dark and gloomy again today and we had another frenetic day at work with hundreds of phone calls. We suspected that a lot of children had two training days so hopefully, things may be a little quieter tomorrow!

It was great to get home, grab Mooney for a cuddle and potter about. I am planning to paint tomorrow and have set aside most of the day to do it, even though we have to return a parcel for Sophie at some point during the day. 

Dinner tonight was a very simple soup and crusty bread, and we played cards before we ate, which seems to be the routine in the early evening at the moment!

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