Friday 12 January 2024


After I'd waved Sophie off to the gym and had a quick cup of coffee, I stripped our bed and re-made it. I also cleaned the en-suite bathroom! Phew!

I was off the phone today and dealing with emails, but there weren't that many to sort out. As it was quiet, the time dragged! I was very glad when it was 4pm and I could escape. Hooray! I popped to the Co-op at Moulton to send a parcel for Sophie and drove home in the gathering gloom. The forecast for France is looking grey but thankfully, dry! No snow, so that's a disappointment, but dealing with that and driving on the other side of the road may have presented a challenge!

When I arrived home Keith was looking stressed as Gomez wouldn't come in. He'd managed to entice both of them in, but then Gomez escaped again through the back door. We tried and tried to get him in but there was no sign of him. I'm sure cats have a sixth sense and I think he knew that today would be his last day of freedom before being kept in for four days!

When Sophie arrived home we went over to our neighbour to drop off the spare key and told her not to worry if Gomez did escape! He's a little devil! We had a great chat and back home, Sophie tried again to get the little monkey in, but this time she was successful, and with some treats, she managed to grab him. Success!

I hoovered downstairs and mopped the kitchen floor before we relaxed for half an hour and had dinner. I felt tired this evening and I wasn't looking forward to the 3.30am alarm tomorrow morning!

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