Sunday 9 April 2023

An Easter walk

It was lovely to have a lie-in this morning and not have to worry about being anywhere or doing anything. Sophie was going to go to the gym but she said that if we went for a walk this afternoon, she would stay at home. I was only to glad to agree!

We took the suitcases down from the wardrobes this morning, and I started squirrelling toiletries away and making sure we had plug convertors in the overnight bag. I will never forget the time we went to France and forgot them!

As we hadn't done any laundry since Thursday (I refuse to wash on Good Friday and we were out all yesterday) we had mounds of washing to do, which I actually enjoy! Seeing heaps of dirty, crumpled clothes turn into sweet-smelling folded piles makes me smile! I also ordered some new clothes and sandals for the holiday so hopefully they will arrive before we go!

We ventured out for a walk in the afternoon and went to the village and back, so not long, but it was great to get out and have some fresh air. The weather today has been cloudy and dull, but mild, and not the wall-to-wall sunshine I was hoping for. Everywhere there were signs of Spring, and the beautiful purple flowers of Aubretia were blooming on the stone walls in the village.

Back home we played Scrabble with a bottle of red wine as Keith was cooking one of his favourite meals tonight - roast lamb. Well, we had to! It's Easter Sunday!

The meal was delicious and made a change from the usual chicken and beef that we eat. Sophie refused to eat any lamb and just had roast potatoes, vegetables and Yorkshire pudding!

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