Tuesday 4 April 2023

The celebrations begin!

We didn't have quite so many calls in the queue today, but we were still busy when the phone lines opened, and it was Angela's first taste of a school holiday, poor thing!

I carried on with the moan report and the time flew by. It was bliss to get out at 4pm and look forward to our day out in London tomorrow - oh, and Sophie's birthday! I made the cake as soon as I arrived home and it took me half an hour. I was very pleased with the result:

Keith went to see Sileby play this evening, and Sophie and I made one of our favourite dishes, Jerk Chicken pasta, a traditional meal we normally have on Sophie's Birthday Eve. Keith had marinated the chicken for us so I popped it in the oven and prepared the hot and spicy but creamy sauce. 

We finished off the leftover wine Sophie had brought home and then started on a bottle of our favourite Pinot Gris from Aldi. It's back! The pasta dish was exceedingly hot and Sophie actually had tears running down her face at one point! There was enough leftover for her lunch on Thursday and another container to freeze.

After eating and clearing away we settled down to watch Rear Window starring James Stewart and Grace Kelly. Keith arrived home disappointed that Sileby had lost to a local team, ON Chenecks, and tucked into the supper I had prepared for him. 

Let the celebrations continue!

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