Wednesday 26 April 2023

Last day of freedom!

I spent this morning reliving the holiday by writing my blog, which was a very pleasant way to spend my last day off! From my seat in the kitchen, I could look out of the window and see the birds flitting about outside, and two blackbirds in particular, were constantly fighting all morning. There is a lot of activity at the moment and we can't keep up with the feeding that's going on!

In the afternoon I popped over to see Mum and Dad and spent some time with them, telling them about the trip and giving them their presents. The weather hasn't been so good today and it's been cloudy and chilly. It's hard to believe that it's May next week and we have two Bank Holidays in a row coming up.  This year is whizzing by so fast!

We had another delicious dinner this evening with six vegetables! We're certainly making up for not having them much over the last week! Keith sat and watched the football after we'd eaten and Sophie and I went upstairs to catch up with Masterchef and Race Across The World. I think it's time for us to decide where we're going next!

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