Thursday 16 February 2023

Scary stories!

Things were a bit frantic this morning at work, and although we had three staff on the phones, Sara had to go on as well, as at one point we had thirteen calls waiting. I was engrossed with orders and emails so I hadn't really noticed at first until I heard Sara start to take calls. Thursday is rapidly turning into a hard shift as Shirley is in and still not sure what she's doing, and Sue is still preoccupied with her ill Mum, so we're getting abandoned calls. I was glad I wasn't roped in as well, though!

At 2pm I sped home and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. I hadn't slept well last night so Keith and I curled up on the sofa and watched Vera from Sunday. I don't normally watch television during the day, but this afternoon I bent the rule! I think I even had a little nap as well, I was so tired!

By the time Sophie came home, though, I had tidied up, made the porridge for breakfast, made my lunch and peeled some potatoes for dinner. We had a very easy supper of breaded fish and mash so no long preparations this evening!

After we'd eaten, we watched two episodes of Luther, one of them very scary with the murderer who wore a Punch mask. It was terrifying!

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