Monday 27 February 2023

A shocking discovery!

I have been Mrs Grumpy today, and have been irritated by everyone and everything! Not a good frame of mind to be in!

At 4pm I walked out with my colleagues and we were all shocked to see a man lying in a space in our car park. At first, I thought he was dead, but then he moved. Sara went back into the building to fetch one of our duty managers, and as she went in, he staggered to his feet, mumbling something. He was either drunk or high on drugs, and I said to everyone to get in their cars just in case. We all wanted to help, but you can never be too careful these days and thoughts of the Luther series were uppermost in my mind!

Sara came back out with one of the young, male duty managers who followed the man over in the direction of the B&M store. He looked dishevelled and I wondered what had happened to him to get him in that state?

It was lovely to get to my own warm home (there's been a bitterly cold wind blowing this evening) and realise how lucky I am!

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