Friday 3 February 2023

A pleasant Friday!

Shirley wasn't in today and had volunteered to go in on Saturday instead, so Kathy and I had a very pleasant shift. I was able to deal with all the customer service emails and send off another couple of monthly cinema reports and the time passed quickly. Today was a lot better than last Friday when I was tearing my hair out!

I was looking forward to wine night tonight and a good film. Sophie and I drank the remnants of a bottle of wine I'd used for cooking which wasn't bad at all and then I opened another bottle of Viognier to watch with the 1954 version of Sabrina, starring Audrey Hepburn, William Holden and Humphrey Bogart. We thought that Humphrey Bogart was a strange choice for the love interest, and discovered that originally Cary Grant had been cast in the role of Linus, a much better choice!

Dinner was beef pie, which was very easy, and after we'd finished watching the film, it was a couple of episodes of A New Life in the Sun. Roll on the weekend!

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