Sunday 12 February 2023

More tidying up...

I was awake at 8am this morning and managed to get my blog updated before Sophie was up, which was a bonus!

After coffee and breakfast, we went to Tesco at Kettering so Sophie could buy some Valentine's Day gifts. It suddenly dawned on me that I needed to get something for my parents from each other, so I bought cards, chocolates and wine. Keith can then drop them off tomorrow when he goes shopping.

When we arrived home I noticed how scruffy the front garden was so I went out, swept up a whole wheelie bin full of leaves and turned over the soil. I could see some little daffodils peeping their heads through the earth so hopefully, it won't be long before they're in flower.

I chatted to Graham who drove past in his car and said how sorry we were to hear that Dennis, his lovely dog, had passed away. He knew about Monty so we commiserated each other. As I was sweeping up, a man walked past, commented on my gardening and walked up the red brick drive. He must be our new neighbour, but he never said anything!

I was pleased with how the garden looked and the grass verge could breathe again after being covered in dead leaves! Sophie was in the kitchen making little heart-shaped custard cream biscuits for work, so I had a couple with a cup of tea and carried on tidying up the garage, making more room for Dad's car, although Paul has said we can still use his driveway, which was very kind of him.

Sophie finished her baking and we went to the tip with some old wood before attempting to take some unwanted books to the charity shop in Weston Favell. The shop was closed and the car park was full of people trying to park after having lunch at the Mandarin Buffet. It was mayhem! I will have to take the books when I'm off on Wednesday instead.

We had one more job to do before going home - dropping off three bags of Tassimo pods to the Co-op in Moulton. This recycling business can be hard work sometimes! I wish our council would pick them up!

Sophie and I had a very pleasant evening sipping a new spiced Ginger Negroni cocktail (made with Campari, Spiced Rum, sweet vermouth and Ginger wine) and playing Scrabble. Keith cooked a roast chicken and it was delicious, with enough vegetables left over to have bubble and squeak tomorrow!

We watched another two episodes of Luther. The race is on to see them all before we watch the new film!

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