Tuesday 21 June 2022

A peaceful start.

Sara texted me before 7am this morning to say she was working from home as she'd been ill in the night. This meant I had almost two hours by myself in the office and the peace and quiet were blissful! I managed to get on and do a lot of jobs, but I had trouble accessing the internet which meant I had to completely log off and start all over again!

My lovely peaceful start soon disappeared and, at one point, we had a couple of senior managers in the office all talking in loud voices. Thanks very much! As I left, Jo had taken a call from a parent about swimming lessons and was having an argument with her. Just lately, we've found that people won't listen to us and just constantly interrupt! Another irritation!

I escaped and drove home in a warm car! I sat with Keith at the island and we chatted about our day. I think I would rather have been him as today had been quite stressful after my relaxed start!

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