Tuesday 14 April 2020

Not the best of days...

Day 22

Today hasn't been the best of days and I'm only thankful I'm not at work at the moment. Keith and I called around to Mum and Dad's first thing as they're having a hospital bed delivered today and we needed to make room in their kitchen/diner. The carer met us at the door saying that my Mum was really ill and had nearly passed out upstairs.

Keith and I rearranged the furniture and then popped to the surgery to take a sample for her, in case she has an infection again. The surgery said they would call me, which they did later in the morning to say that she didn't have any infection, so I still think it's to do with her gardening on Saturday when she maybe overdid things.

I spent the morning at home and then went back to Mum's later in the morning to make sure they were both OK. The hospital bed had arrived and after a fair bit of discussion with the carer we decided to get Dad back downstairs as it would be another week before anyone could come around and help him, and my Mum was really struggling with going up and down the stairs all the time.

We managed to get him down very carefully on his bottom and settled him on the sofa. If the weather stays nice Mum can perhaps open up the double doors leading into the garden to get some fresh air. She seemed a little better and we talked about getting a stairlift to make things easier and then the hospital bed could go back. I went home and managed to get an appointment for this afternoon for someone to come out and do a survey.

At lunchtime, Sophie and I went over to Brixworth - we needed to pop to our surgery to take our prescriptions in, and Sophie had a parcel to send back. Even the simplest of jobs now takes ages as there were queues for the co-op and the post office, and I had to post our prescriptions into the mail box on the gates of the surgery.

At 2.30pm Keith and I drove over to Mum's again and I queued up in the co-op in the village to get her some things she needed. I was told off for standing too close to the till even though the previous shopper, a young girl, had stood right up close to the barrier!

At Mum's I made them both a cup of tea and cleared away the lunch things, telling my Mum to relax and not do too much this afternoon. We sat and chatted but I managed to keep a safe distance from them both while we waited for the stairlift salesman to arrive.

He was a bit late and explained things to us before completing his survey and giving us a price - for both a brand new one and a re-conditioned one. It was a fair amount of money so I said we'd have to discuss the prices and then get back to him in the next few days.

Keith and I went home and after Sophie had finished work for the day, we walked to the field where the horses were. On the way we had a chat with Lynn about Monty's spat with Joe and she said that her cat was fine. We told her about the vet's bill and she was astonished!

The horses were munching grass way off in the distance but we managed to get them to come over and gave them a handful of carrots. They were as feisty as ever and after gobbling up the veggies they all wheeled around and cantered off!

Dinner tonight was pie and vegetables, cooked ably by Keith while Sophie and I caught up with Masterchef. We already knew who was in the final after seeing the four in the newspaper...ho hum!

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