Tuesday 28 April 2020

A spot of decorating

Day 36

Unfortunately, the small glimmer of hope of yesterday was extinguished today as things haven't been brilliant. I've had several phone calls from my Mum, starting as early as 7.30am, with her sounding very confused and upset about still being in hospital.

Keith and I had an argument first thing as well, over (of all things) a shopping list, and he flounced off to Tesco in a major grump... oh well! Combined with all that it was raining and although I'd previously moaned about the nice weather being a mockery of the situation we're all in, now it's gone I miss it!

Keith returned from Tesco in a slightly better mood and after mooching about for a while and feeling sorry for myself, I decided to bring up the subject of the painting of the en-suite bathroom ceiling which we have been putting off for ages...

It turned out to be a good idea because it kept us busy and, although we were cramped up in a small confined space, it was good to listen to the radio (Ken Bruce had the cheek to be away) and do something constructive.

I painted the ceiling and carried on with the walls while Keith replaced the sealant in the window and then in the shower. At times we got in each other's way and today has been the first real time we've bickered during the lock down, so I suppose that's not bad!

It rained all day with no let up which is good for the gardens if nothing else. Sophie kept me fed and watered all day and by the middle of the afternoon I'd completed one coat of a white emulsion on the walls, and the en-suite was looking a lot fresher and cleaner.

I decided to have a break and started watching After Life on Netflix starring Ricky Gervais. I'd read at the weekend that he's a huge fan of Ever Decreasing Circles (as am I) and he'd named Penelope Wilton's character in the series after Anne from the 80s sitcom.

While I was watching, my Dad called and he sounded very confused indeed. He was talking about the car keys and groceries in the boot, and when we rang the care home later, they said they were going to test him for a urine infection. I do hope he doesn't have another one...

My Mum also called sounding extremely confused and upset and I am beginning to wonder what on earth is going on. Do we have some sort of curse hanging over us? She called back later in the evening and sounded a bit calmer and I said I would look into live-in care for them both as I can't think of anything else to do. It's expensive, but we could perhaps give it a go on a temporary basis and see what happens.

Sophie cooked a delicious sausage casserole this evening and the rain continued all evening. My Aunt Joyce called and we had another long chat, which was great. I'm just hoping that tomorrow things will be a bit better!

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