Sunday 26 April 2020

Busy little bees!

Day 34

I had a bit of a lie-in this morning and didn't wake until almost 9am. I lounged about in my dressing gown for an hour which was a great and very relaxed start to the day.

I had a mound of ironing to do as we'd washed all the bedding and also some clothes of Mum and Dad's yesterday. Even though Keith is normally the ironing King, I did all of our laundry as well - I don't think I have ever washed and ironed as much as I have lately! While I was doing that, Sophie cleaned the house, bless her, and Keith prepared all the vegetables for dinner. We were certainly busy this morning!

After that was all done we decided to pop back over to Mum and Dad's house and make up the bed. While we were there I managed to check their current account and saw that all was well. I also made sure they were OK with bills so that was one worry sorted. I only wish I'd managed to get Power of Attorney some years ago, even though I would never have used it.

We stayed for a good while and I watered the plants and made sure everything was OK. Back home we had lunch (leftover quiche and cheesy potatoes) and sat out in the garden again as the weather has been beautiful. I do think this is about to change, though, and next week is set to be cooler and cloudier.

I sent off for some information on care homes in the afternoon and spoke to Mum several times. Later in the afternoon she was a lot better and had come to accept that she may be in hospital for a few more days until we can get a care package sorted out. I also spoke to my Dad who sounded bored and fed up but at least I know he's safe and well.

As the afternoon turned into evening I went and had a shower and caught the last twenty minutes of You've Got Mail, starring the lovely Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Of course, in my highly emotional state, I was soon blubbering away... note to self: DO NOT WATCH SOPPY ROMCOMS!

Dinner this evening was baked cod with diced roast potatoes and vegetables. It clouded over considerably and I did think that at one point we were going to get a downpour of rain. Our meal was delicious and after we'd eaten we watched the last episode of Race Across The World. At the end they were advertising for next year's participants and both Sophie and I were sorely tempted!

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