Wednesday 29 April 2020

A spot of fantasising!

Day 37

I woke up a bit later this morning as Sophie had decided not to go for a run. The weather outside was grey and dreary but it wasn't raining, at least!

Keith and I resumed the painting of the en-suite bathroom and my husband cleared away the sealant he had put down yesterday as he hadn't made a very good job of it! He spent some time studying a YouTube video and ordered some special implements from Amazon!

Today has been rather dreary and after finishing the painting, I mooched about and did very little. I did fantasise about houses in California and had a look at the Pebble Beach resorts website. How I would love to be there now!

In the evening Sophie and I went for a quick walk up to the village and although it was dry, the sky was full of clouds. We went to see the sheep but didn't venture into the field and on the way home we stopped and spoke to Paul. He told us his trip to New York on the 15 May had just been cancelled - he was going with Sharon for her 50th birthday celebrations. I have a feeling that we will all write this year off as I am not sure when things will ever return to normal. Will we get to France in September?

After dinner this evening we watched The Repair Shop (another emotional programme!) and an episode of James Martin's Islands to Highlands. It was so lovely seeing people act normally!

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