Saturday 25 April 2020

A Spring clean

Day 33

We woke up this morning to a cloudy and cool start - it was only 6c when Sophie and Keith went for a walk first thing! Brrr!

After they returned and we'd had breakfast, we all went over to to Mum and Dad's house where we gave the house a freshen up and a clean and stripped the bed Dad had been sleeping on, and their big super king upstairs. I also gathered up lots of towels to take home to wash. The house wasn't bad at all but because the carers had been in and out constantly, the carpet in the hallway needed hoovering and the kitchen floor needed some attention. Sophie cleaned downstairs while I tackled the bathrooms and when we came to leave, the house looked a lot better. I felt quite relieved when it was all over and if Mum does come home in the next few days it will all be ready for her.

When we left the weather had improved and it was now warm and sunny. I spoke to Mum on the phone back home and she was a bit upset so I said we'd take some magazines and chocolates down to her. We called into the newsagent at Moulton and the streets were thronged with people out walking or cycling. It was really busy!

At the hospital I was allowed into the main entrance door and I had to call the ward using the reception phone. A lovely lady came down to pick up the bag and said my Mum was fine but wanted to come home.

Before going home we called to see Mike again (at a safe distance!) but thankfully I wasn't as emotional as I was the other day! He seemed OK and was scoffing a  bowl of noodles!

When we finally arrived back home we all sat in the garden for a while and enjoyed a cold beer. What a difference from the weather of first thing this morning! We decided to barbecue later in the afternoon as they were forecasting showers for tomorrow evening and knowing our luck we'd be rained off!

Keith set the barbecue up and prepared everything while Sophie and I watch Gordon, Gino and Fred: Road Trip. It was hilarious and it was great to watch and forget about everything for a little while!

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