Tuesday 17 March 2020

Phone madness!

After last night's announcement, things were mad at work this morning and by the time I left at 2pm, we'd had over two hundred calls with most people freezing their memberships until this coronavirus situation is over. I really felt for the two women in our membership department as they will have to process all the freezes, and they were flat out. I have no idea how this will impact the business but I fear it will be a very hard few months.

I wasn't supposed to be answering phones this morning but I had to help out as there were so many. I did put some Easter crash courses onto the system, but a) will we have enough children members to take part and b) will they go ahead anyway?

Today our Government has stopped all non-essential foreign travel so we are definitely not going to France. It wouldn't have been worth it, anyway, as nothing is open there. I cannot believe this is happening here, and all because of an unseen, tiny enemy that, in most cases, causes a mild illness. It is having a major impact on people's lives, businesses, work and freedom and it's very much like being in a war situation, except we don't know where it is, can't see it, feel it or hear it.

My worry is that one of us will get it and then we will all have to stay at home, for 14 days. What will happen to my parents? I am sure I'm not alone in this situation. Even Susanna Reid, the ITV breakfast host, has been confined to her home as one of her children had a new cough.

I felt drained after work, but we went to see Mum and Dad to make sure they were OK. We then popped to Tesco to get them some supplies and after ensuring they were fine, we went home and had a well-earned cup of tea!

Sophie came home and confirmed that she will be working from home tomorrow and a few days next week. We relaxed with a drink and Keith cooked dinner while we watched Masters of Flip, a programme about a couple in Nashville renovating houses. It was great to escape into their world for a while!

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