Friday 27 March 2020

Helping out

Day 4

I have still been getting up early every morning, so no lie-ins for me! I seem to wake up naturally at about 6am so it's downstairs for a cup of coffee and a cuddle with Monty.

Sophie had to go into work today as she and her manager had some admin tasks to sort out that couldn't be done online or at home. It was pretty strange waving her off, as we have got used to her being at home.

Today has been gorgeous again, with clear blue skies and sunshine, but there has been a chilly wind. Keith went for a walk and I sorted out Mike's inhaler prescription and called my Mum to ask her to phone the hospital ward my Dad is on, to find out whether we can drop off a bag with toiletries and clean clothes. She called back to say that we could drop off the bag at Reception so after Keith returned and we enjoyed bacon butties for breakfast, we set off to collect the bag from Mum and go to the hospital.

I wasn't sure what sort of reaction I was going to get, to be honest, but it was vital he had some of his belongings with him as he needed his glasses, bless him! Keith dropped me off and it seemed that it was business as usual for Kettering General Hospital. I stood and waited for a member of staff to appear on the Reception desk and while I was waiting, my phone rang. It was a nurse on my Dad's ward. I said I was downstairs so she came down to get the bag and we had a good chat about how he was. They're hoping he will come home at the weekend, so that was good news! The nurse was lovely and really put my mind at rest.

Once back in the car, Keith drove me to Mum's again so we could see her for a few minutes. We then returned home where I put all my clothes into the washing machine and had a good hot shower. You just never know!

I made Keith and I a hot drink with lemon juice and honey and we sat in the sunny conservatory and chatted. The rest of the day stretched ahead so I did an hour on my French course and then transcribed my blog onto a word document, ready for turning it into another book. We also ordered some sealant from Amazon, as now is the perfect time to tackle the windows in the conservatory that need attention!

I then decided to make a batch of custard cream biscuits, which were delicious with a cup of tea at about 4pm! Sophie arrived home and had had a stressful day so it was lovely for her to sit and relax before dinner, which was pizza, wedges and salad. While we were washing up, Mike called on video chat and it was a shock to see his hair so short! He had called me earlier in the day while Abbie's mum was cutting his hair but I didn't realise he was going for a buzzcut!

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