Friday 6 March 2020

Being monitored!

At 8am this morning I went to the GP surgery to have a 24-hour blood pressure monitor fitted. I was seen by one of the nurses who is lovely and we had a laugh while she fitted it. It can come off tomorrow morning and I will be mightily glad when it does!

I'm a bit annoyed I agreed to have it fitted today as Keith and I celebrate 32 years together! All plans to go out for the day or a drink this evening have been put on hold as I really didn't fancy going out with the thing attached to me!

Back home Sophie made us cheese on toast for breakfast (she has taken today as holiday as well) but the grill suddenly stopped working and flipped one of the switches. It means we'll have to get someone out to fit a new grill element and also fix the oven door hinges that aren't working at the moment! It never rains...

We took Mike to Abbie's house and then popped to the pharmacy to pick up Mum's prescription before calling around to see them. The doctor was there when we arrived, as Dad has been repeatedly waking in the night to go to the loo and it's affecting their sleep. Hopefully, with some antibiotics, the situation will improve!

My blood pressure monitor went off every twenty minutes through the day which was quite irritating and my poor arm felt like it was being constantly squeezed! Sophie and I did manage to get out for a walk, though, and went down to the village and past our old house before walking along a lovely lane with views out over the fields. It's been a glorious day today and it's been lovely to see the sun and blue skies.

We were out for about an hour and I felt really good after the exercise. We stopped and spoke to a young lad that stands outside his house and waves to everybody, and he said he was 18 today! I think he will be celebrating in the pub tonight, bless him!

Keith walked down to the pub this evening and Sophie and I prepared dinner of baked haddock, roast new potatoes, asparagus and peas served with a cheese sauce. Delicious!

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