Tuesday 3 March 2020

In the news...

I suppose I had better mention the subject that all of us are now talking about and which is dominating the news - the coronavirus, which now seems set to affect the UK population. I am a bit worried that Keith will get it as whenever he has a cold it goes straight to his chest, and of course, Mike has chest problems as well.

At work we had a parent cancelling her children's swimming lessons and although we laughed about it, if other parents have the same ideas, it could spell disaster for us. I remember when we first learnt about it (towards the end of January) I never thought for one moment it would reach the UK, but with modern travel, it now seems set to spread across the whole globe.

I do think that it's being hyped up as most people who are infected recover, but I worry about my parents and Keith in particular. We are all being urged to wash our hands regularly and the phrase "self-isolate" is now being bandied about everywhere. There's even a case in Northamptonshire - someone had been to Northern Italy and has brought it home with them.

Work was OK this morning - Joanne and I were left alone to get on with our work as the managers were off at a training session. I put all the crash courses on for the Easter holidays but at the back of my mind was the thought that if the illness does strike, would they even be allowed to happen?

Keith picked me up at 2pm and we went to see Mum and Dad who are really in the best place at the moment - self-isolation! We had a cup of tea and then returned home where I pottered about until Sophie arrived back. We are abstaining from alcohol from Monday to Thursday this week and just drinking water. Boring, but good for us!

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