Monday 14 January 2019

Indulgent Monday!

I took myself off to work this morning and had a pleasant session, which was a bonus for a Monday! Fran was full of it as she has got another job and leaves in the first week of February. Hopefully, there may be some more hours for me!

I sped home at 2pm and collected Keith as we were Aldi and Tesco bound again. We needed some bits for dinner tonight as I had decided to make a bolognese sauce from scratch. We also shopped for Wednesday night and I bought a card for my friend Julia, whose father died at the weekend.

Back home it was time for a cup of tea and a biscuit and we settled down to watch last night's Vera before Sophie got home. Indulgent, I know, but outside the weather was horrible!

We started the bolognese quite late and I hadn't really done any prep so Sophie helped me chop up the veggies - celery, onion, carrots, a parsnip I found hanging about and some garlic. My daughter then browned the mince while I lightly cooked the vegetables in olive oil and a bit of butter. When they were soft we added the mince, tomato puree, wine, beef stock and tinned toms before letting it simmer for an hour.

I have to say the sauce was delicious and we did add some extra oregano, garlic powder and chilli flakes to give it a bit of a kick!

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