Tuesday 15 January 2019

Birthday girl!

It really didn't feel like my birthday today and there was no time to celebrate this morning as Sophie went off to the gym and I left for work at 7.30am.

However, during the course of my shift at work, a basket of flowers was delivered by Cobby's from my parents and Lynda dropped in with a lovely little watering can also full of flowers and a card. Sara had given me a card and I'd taken some chocolates in, so it felt lovely!

I sped home at 2pm and relaxed at home before having a warm bath and getting ready to go around to Mum and Dad's. I'd decided to have a fish and chip supper at their house as I didn't expect them to come around to ours in the evening and going out for another pub or restaurant meal would have been expensive. It seemed like the ideal solution...and it was!

We picked up the fish and chips on the way and I took a bottle of Cava to drink. Sophie very kindly drove this evening and Mum and Dad had bought several bottles of beer for Keith and Mike and had provided dessert of tiramisu or chocolate trifle, as well as a beautiful Unicorn birthday cake.

While we ate we had the news on and discovered that Teresa May had lost the vote on the Brexit deal. It indeed was a momentous day, but I'm sure not for her! I really do wish that David Cameron had never called the blasted referendum!

And there was me thinking it was because it was my Birthday!
A really strange thing happened during the evening, though...Mike took a photo of Sophie and I and when he examined it he could see a man's face staring out at us through one of the pictures on Mum's wall. It totally freaked me out, I can tell you, and scared the living daylights out of my Mum as she suspects the house is haunted!

After a lot of discussion and argument, we realised it was one of the MPs reflected in the picture's glass, but for one moment I did think it was a ghostly face!

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