Friday 2 December 2016

Fade to grey...

Unfortunately the beautiful sunny, cold weather we've had this week disappeared today, to be replaced by grey skies and milder temperatures. We had nothing planned today so it was perfect for catching up with jobs we've neglected over the last few days. This week has certainly been busy!

Mike wanted us to pick him up from his work experience placement at 3pm and when he came out he was really pleased as he'd been given a £25 Amazon voucher and a card signed by all the staff. Lovely! We returned home and as we had a free hour we caught up with "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!" It was the highlight of my day!!

We picked Sophie up at 4.30pm and went home where we quickly got ready for the Christmas Fayre in the church. It was being held at a very strange time (in my opinion) from 5pm-7pm, exactly the time when most people are either on their way home from work or getting tea ready! Rather than walk up as it was starting to drizzle, we drove and parked in the village.

It turned out to be a real disappointment as the church was quite busy and people were talking and blocking all the aisles. I bought a strip of raffle tickets and then we went in search of Mulled Wine, but we gave up as there were constantly people in our way and then a woman reached over, right in front of me and nearly lopped one of my ears off with a clipboard! It was the last straw so we fled to the pub and had a glass of wine there!

Even that was fraught as the woman who owned the pub chose to put up decorations by hammering nails into the walls and I could see Sophie's temper bubbling over! We had a good chat, though, over a glass of Carignan, a grape variety I don't often see in a pub.

As we got back into the car to go home Sophie's phone rang and it was Mike who had gone to the Fayre and wondered where we were, bless him! We walked down to meet him and then all went home to prepare a lovely hot chilli for dinner!

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