Tuesday 13 December 2016

Christmas lunch

Although we had a late night last night we had to be up fairly early to take Sophie to uni for 10am. The weather today has been horrible - grey and misty with heavy rain in the morning. Yuk!

At lunchtime I went out for the Citizens Advice Bureau Christmas lunch at Overstone Manor. I did wonder at the wisdom of going as, out of the people that I work with, only Priya was a definite! I arrived at 1pm and went into the bar, noticing a man who had followed me in looking around as well. I asked him whether he was at the same lunch and he said he was, but didn't know anyone either! He was a Borough Councillor and offered to buy me a drink, which was very nice, but not something I'd expected!

We had a quick chat and then he saw a group of people he knew so he went off to see them and thankfully, I saw Penny and Tina who work in the office and they kindly asked me to sit at the same table as them. As they are paid staff and managers I was flattered that they'd asked me, but very glad all the same!

It was a good lunch and I got to know the woman sitting opposite me, as well as a man sitting next to me, both of whom were advisors. Priya came in and we had a chat but there was no longer any room on the table for her, so she went to sit with another woman that she knew.

I enjoyed a crispy prawn cocktail to start, followed by steak and chips, all of which were lovely. As we had only been allowed two courses, I was quite prepared to forego a dessert but as there were some spare I ended up with a very sticky and gooey chocolate brownie! As well as the meal we all had a go at a Christmas quiz which certainly broke the ice! I was astonished to see the time was 3.30pm when we finished and I rushed home to collect Keith before going to pick up Sophie from uni.

A very relaxing evening followed as I didn't have to cook (or eat) and could lounge about on the sofa and watch 30 Degrees in February!

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