Monday 26 December 2016

Boxing Day relaxation

I spent the morning catching up with my blog while Sophie watched episodes of Scandal, back to back...just how she wanted to spend Boxing Day!

It's been gorgeous weather - clear blue skies and sunshine and although not freezing cold, there has been a nip in the air. I washed my car when Keith went to the football and Mike went to Brixworth to see his mates. It was lovely being out in the fresh air and when I'd finished I swept up all the leaves on the driveway. Being outside meant that I saw neighbours and had a chat. A lot of them were relieved that we were home from Berlin and safe!

At 4pm Sophie and I walked Monty around the estate and went down to the field gate to see the horses. They came over to see us but we didn't have any food for them, so they just received pats and strokes on their noses. They were both dirty and covered in mud!

It had become much colder as the sun went down - perfect for going home, putting the heating on and wrapping up warm in Sophie's new throw!

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