Wednesday 21 September 2016

Feeling a little weary!

Today has been another busy day at the Citizens Advice Bureau and although it started off slowly, by lunchtime we had several clients waiting to be seen. It was one of those sessions where we had clients who needed help filling in the data sheets and we had a lady become quite abusive about the wait. By 3pm I was ready to escape but we still had a couple of people sitting with the advisers so it was almost 3.30pm by the time we got away.

I went to pick up Sophie from work and then on to collect Mike from college and before going home we called into one of the little supermarkets in Moulton to buy some wine as Sophie had Laura and Daisy coming over in the evening.

Mum and Dad also came over and we sat and had a glass of wine while they chatted about their holiday. They'd bought Sophie and me a scarf each and Keith and Mike a tee-shirt with funny slogans along with a bottle of wine for us both to share. They are both very tanned and had had a great holiday but it will be the last time they visit Paros as it's so difficult to get there without any direct flights.

Laura and Daisy arrived at 7.30pm and Keith, Mike and I had our evening meal in the conservatory while they took over the living room with their boxes of pizza. I felt very tired this evening as we'd had such a long day yesterday and I was up early this morning. Keith and I retired to our bedroom where we both fell asleep before 9.30pm!

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