Thursday 8 September 2016

Autumnal beauty

Today has been a hectic day and it started with another walk, this time through part of the nature reserve. On the way over the fields we saw a fox which was a treat! He appeared on the path in front of us and then ran over the field towards a flock of sheep, before disappearing through a hedge. He looked beautiful with his busy tail and pricked up ears!

Naturally, as it was such a lovely morning I took some photos:

We walked down to the nature reserve and encountered a couple of panicky pheasants and Keith saw a deer disappearing into the woods. Of course, I was looking the other way and missed it but Sophie spotted its white tail.

It was quite a hard walk and I was glad to get home and have a shower before taking Sophie to work. Keith and I then went to do our shopping before coming home and having lunch, when it was time to go and pick her up again!

The day had turned warmer but in the afternoon it clouded over slightly which annoyed Sophie who was looking forward to coming home and sitting in the garden with a cold lager. I couldn't sit and enjoy myself without cutting the lawn and tidying everything up so I got the mower out and did some work for a couple of hours.

I feel like I've really neglected the garden this year and all my plants in pots were really dry where I hadn't watered them... I made amends and moved two conifers from the corner back onto the gravel as they looked really parched. I think our huge Eucalyptus tree takes all the moisture from this part of the garden and we really should think about cutting it down, it's so big!

As we thought the evening was going to be warm and sunny we'd decided to barbecue but although dry it was very windy. Before Keith lit the coals we played cards and the sun came out which warmed us up a bit. There is definitely an Autumnal nip in the air now and the sun sets at about 7.30pm. The long sunny evenings are now a distant memory!

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