Thursday 2 April 2015

Rude awakening.

I was awoken at 7am this morning by Mikey asking me to go and pick him up from his friend's house, after the "camp out" of last night. I blearily got dressed and sped off to fetch him, still feeling groggy and half-asleep!

The traffic at such an early hour was unbelievably busy with some real maniacs on the road who were obviously in a desperate hurry to get somewhere! I picked Mikey up who was freezing cold and even though he'd told me he'd slept, I had a feeling that he hadn't had any sleep at all.

Back home I stopped him from getting into the bath as I needed a coffee and a shower before going to work. Mike muttered something about going into town with his mates but I heard from Keith later in the day that he'd abandoned that idea and had been asleep most of the day!

After work I'd arranged an eye test for my son as he'd said a few days ago that his sight was a bit blurry when he was looking at the whiteboard at school. Keith dropped him off at work and at 4pm I took him over to the optician's along with Sophie and my Mum who were going to do a spot of shopping in New Look while we were having Mike's eyes seen to.

The optician found nothing wrong at all and he certainly doesn't need glasses. He also had a photo taken of the back of his eye and everything was fine, so that was good.

We dropped Mum off at home (the pair of them had bought two tops, both of them for my daughter) and then it was time to relax before a delicious roast pork dinner!

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