Sunday 26 April 2015

Teatime treat

This morning I made a start on the housework as the house was badly in need of a freshen up! It certainly makes me feel better when I give the house a good clean, no matter how long I put it off!

Keith and I also cleaned all the beer glasses we have on display in our kitchen. They were very dirty indeed and it was great to see them all shiny and clean after we'd washed them. It's a once a year job, but really we should do it more often!

In the afternoon I picked my Mum up and we went to Beckworth Emporium for a cup of tea and a mooch about. The weather, forecast to be cloudy and wet today, was glorious with fluffy white clouds and a beautiful "Florida" sky. After our tea and scones we wandered around looking at the plants and I bought a lavender for a vacant pot plus some little flowers for a hanging basket I have. I just hope that we don't get any more frosts!

I also noted that Beckworth stock an extensive range of gluten-free foods so that was useful to know. I treated myself to a small bottle of Two Birds vodka and a couple of bottles of tonic water plus a beer for Keith and resisted buying any more delicious foods!

From Beckworth we went to pick Sophie up from work and when I got home I put the new plants into containers. Every time I went out into the garden I saw our little robin who shows no fear at all, even when I go very near to him. He sits and watches me, his head on one side when I chatter away to him and he's gorgeous. Over the last few days I've seen him feeding another robin and I have a feeling it's his mate. Maybe we'll see some babies soon!

Mikey has been out all day, seeing friends and going out for a meal at Nando's in town. I was under the impression it was a lunchtime meal so when I called to find out what time we needed to pick him up I was shocked to discover that he hadn't even left for the town yet! My son is so bad at letting us know his plans and it drives us crazy! He eventually arrived home at 10.30pm, and was given a lift by a friend's Mum, thank goodness!

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