Sunday 25 January 2015

A teenage gathering...

As it's Mikey's birthday tomorrow he wanted to have some friends around this afternoon so the morning was spent giving the downstairs of the house a quick clean before moving upstairs and giving the bathrooms a thorough scrub.

His friends arrived at midday and congregated in the conservatory where they munched on Doritos and dips and sipped on Fanta and Coke. Keith cooked them some pizzas and they seemed very happy chatting and laughing among themselves!

Once I'd finished the housework Keith and I went to get the Sunday papers and I put the car through the car-wash as it was filthy dirty again. When I arrived back home I put a colour on my hair (the grey was starting to get really bad!) and then sat and relaxed while the teenagers moved upstairs to Mike's bedroom to watch a film on Netflix.

They were all gone by 6pm and Mike cleared up for me - we didn't even know we'd had them so I said to him that they could all come again!

We had a very relaxing evening with a delicious beef in red wine casserole and watched the last episode of the enjoyable Walking The Nile!

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