Tuesday 13 January 2015

A change of plan...

This evening I'd planned on going to the gym with Sophie and then we were going to go to Pizza Hut afterwards for a meal. Mikey was out at Army Cadets and Keith was off to a local football match so it was the ideal opportunity to go out ourselves!

However, Dad's car had to be taken to the garage as there was a small fault that needed sorting out and he wanted me to be available to run him down to the dealership to collect the car. The weather had also turned very wet and when I spoke to Keith in the afternoon he told me that the football match had been cancelled so he wasn't going out after all...

Dad's car wasn't going to be ready which meant I had to take my parents home so we had to cancel plans to go to the gym and Pizza Hut. We are fated not to go to the gym at the moment! I ran Mum and Dad home and then I suggested to Keith that the three of us go to The Lamplighter for a meal while poor Mikey was at Army Cadets. He readily agreed!

We had a lovely meal in the pub and a good chat about future holidays. We tentatively talked about going back to Florida next June as Mikey will be doing his GCSEs and will finish them before the schools break up in the middle of July. Sophie will be 20 but still said she wanted to come with us! I wonder why!

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