Wednesday 22 October 2014

The big question...

This morning, the commute into work was the worst I've ever known. Keith left just after me to take Mikey and actually arrived at work before me as the route I took was congested with bin-men and tractors. If ever I got into Government I would ban all slow moving vehicles from going on the roads until after 9am.

Because of this and a few other things I was very grumpy when I arrived at work, but luckily my mood improved over the course of the day. It was great to leave work at 4pm and go to the gym! I tried to think of the last time we went to the gym on a Wednesday and thought it was only a few weeks, but it was actually the 21 May! 22 weeks ago! Where has the time gone?

Anyway, we worked a bit harder this evening and then went and had a lovely wallow in the jacuzzi, which was bliss. When we arrived home Keith and I sat and had a quiet drink and after dinner I watched another episode of Human Universe. The question was, "Why are we here?" and it was very interesting indeed. I find it incredible that the reason we are all alive today is based on an unending chain of events stretching back millions (billions?) of years and just one break in that chain would have prevented us being born and walking around today. Big questions, indeed!

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