Tuesday 7 October 2014

New home

It's been a long day at work today and when I opened our big gate at 8.40am this morning I knew that I'd be closing it ten hours later. Maureen is on holiday this week so Sophie is covering for Polly who is working in the kitchen. We have another three weeks of this as well which means no gym visits or walks. It's somewhat of a pain to be honest, but I'm hoping that another member of staff can cover a couple of days and give us a break.

I always give Polly a lift home so we drew up on our driveway at 7pm, just as Mikey and Keith were leaving to go to Army Cadets. This week we have a new venue as the Cadets have moved home! We now have to go to Moulton which is slightly farther away and I will miss the pleasant journey over to Brixworth!

After dropping Mikey off we sped home to get dinner ready. Tonight we were sampling the Scotch Broth I made on Saturday and I have to say I was a bit disappointed with the taste. I don't think I'll be serving it at my Scottish night so it's back to the drawing board to come up with a new starter!

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