Wednesday 22 December 2010

White Christmas anyone?

White Christmasses are all very well if you don't have to venture out into them, you're able to sit at home with something warm and tasty and just gaze out at the view...Who wanted it to snow???

When I woke up this morning to a white world I had one thought...I had to get into work to do the wages or else no-one would be paid before Christmas. I called mum and dad at 7.15am and they said they'd come and pick me up to take me into work. It wasn't too deep, but living out in the sticks, I wasn't sure how the roads would be.

As it turned out, they were OK. A bit slushy in places and it would have been foolhardy to drive along at speed and brake suddenly but we made it OK. Our car park was about 4-5 inches deep so after opening up Dad and I went out with the snow shovels and cleared most of it away from the main door and put some salt down. We were very quiet. We had people in but we were much quieter than normal, which is only to be expected in this sort of weather. At lunchtime, I took mum over to her doctor's surgery as she had booked her flu jab. The plan was to drop her off, go to the bank and then pick her up again but the outside car park of the shopping centre had been closed...why? Elf 'n' safety, no doubt...

I dropped mum off and drove around fruitlessly for ten minutes stuck in interminable queues. Giving up on parking I returned to the surgery and found a parking space by some sort of miracle. After her flu jab, mum and I walked over to the bank and then took a deep breath and ventured into Tesco where it had obviously just been put out that the world was about to end and and everyone had to grab as much food and drink as possible to survive... The noise of crying babies and insistent carols in the background made me want to scream!

At 2.30pm we called it a day and drove home as yet more snow fell. It was sheer bliss to get home and be peaceful and quiet, watching the falling snow from the window, something warm and tasty in my hand...!


Anonymous said...

Funny post Jane, just one more day!

Janie said...

A comment!!! Yippeee! Thanks, sws! ;)