Wednesday 29 December 2010


Yesterday was not pleasant. I was up early and into work even though, officially, it was a Bank Holiday...sob! I love Bank Holidays, but there was no way we could close down for four days so it was back to the grindstone. Our cleaner doesn't work Tuesdays so we had to do the cleaning and I think in the New Year we will try and resolve this little problem...

Tuesday was a little bit stressful so the less I dwell on it the better, in my opinion. The weather has reverted back to mild and damp and all the snow has disappeared. Some people may think this is a good thing, but I don't. I love crisp, cold winters but I hear colder weather is on the way this weekend.

Thankfully, today was much less stressful and we sat down and sorted a few things out which always helps to see things more clearly. The fog has been around all day and even though it's been milder, it still felt chilly so when I got home I went straight into a hot bath and then I spent a pleasant half hour lolling on our bed watching Doctor Zhivago (one of my favourite films) and cuddling Mikey. The house smelt of turkey again as Keith had simmered the carcass all day to make a stock for the soup we're going to have tomorrow. It will be accompanied by the Christmas pudding we didn't have on Christmas Day and which will be flamed with brandy. Yum! It was also bliss to then go downstairs, pour myself a brandy and lemonade and thrash Keith at cards!

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