Thursday 30 December 2010

Mission Accomplished!

Today has been a good day. It's been rare lately, I have to admit, so when good days do come they are much appreciated! I was up early and took advantage of the peace and quiet to watch the end of It's A Wonderful Life which I'd recorded over Christmas (my own DVD copy is missing which I discovered on Christmas Eve...) and had a cry as I always do.

Work was pleasantly busy but the real good news was that we were awarded a Carbon Trust Loan to install two new heaters in our seating area which should be much more efficient than the ones we have at the moment which are 40 years old. It means we can pay back the loan (interest free) over three years rather than have to pay out a lot of money upfront so we were delighted. It was all down to Dad's hard work as the process was pretty complicated so he was chuffed to bits!

After work Mum, Soph and I went over to Milton Keynes as I have nothing to wear tomorrow night! It was something I wasn't looking forward to as I'd left it much too late but I found a lovely black jumpsuit and floaty, see-through jacket to go with it...and shoes!!! Miracle! I then bought Mikey clothes and a pair of new school shoes and a bra for Sophie...phew!

We drove back home through thick fog which has been with us now for two days. The days have been dark and gloomy but the weather is set to get a bit sunnier on Sunday and it will be a relief to see it after this week! Even Keith's tomato soup was a bit "greyer" than normal, probably because the tomatoes he used were grown under glass and not under lovely warm sunshine as they are in the summer.

So tomorrow is the last day of 2010...has it been good, bad or indifferent?

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