Friday 10 December 2010

Presents en masse...

We have a couple of Christmas parties this year at work so mum and I played Santa today and bought lots of presents. It's no easy task and I don't envy Father Christmas at all! Our age range was babies to about 4 years and a lot of gifts weren't suitable for the under 3s because of the choking hazard so it makes it doubly difficult to buy something appropriate for their age, that's within budget and is in stock! Luckily we managed it fairly easily today as little books are always a great present and are totally safe and educational too!

The weather has been grey and dismal today - how I prefer the bright blue skies and frozen trees so maybe I'm not fed up with the cold after all! It reached the dizzy heights of 9 degrees so the layers were peeled off and the dirty car was finally put through the carwash, along with a lot of others!

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